Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Six Months old and getting bigger

Well time has flown by and all of a sudden Sarah is six months old and getting bigger. She now smiles lots and giggles at us from her mat. Sarah has moved to eating porridge with us in the mornings. Oliver is coming up to his 3rd birthday very soon and is very excited by the prospect of another party. Bye for now, see you in the soup.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Long time no blogging!!!! Many apologies the Nicholson's have been a little busy lately. We hope you enjoy the pics of our new baby sister Sarah she is 8 weeks old at the moment and is smiling and cooing lots. Ollie and I have to be careful with her and not touch her head or wake her up when she is asleep. If we are good boys Mum and Dad are going to take us to the Wiggles next month it should be good fun!!!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Hello, hello, hello is anyone out there?? We know you are there, so Mum and Dad apologise for their lack of blog spotting over the past ten months. Here I am with Ollie in our 'boat', and this is Ollie singing along to Bob the builder. Finally, I thought I might help Dad get ready for the Rainbow rage - its all about riding my big bike.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Boys hanging out on the bikes

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Birthdays galore!!

Well we had a great time up north the other week. Nana made us a cake for our birthdays and Paddy and I helped put the M&Ms on. It was great hanging out with the cousins and seeing Emily and Kirsty's new house. We also had fun recently at our antenatal 2nd birthday party and I really enjoyed the ice cream cake!! Yum, yum. Settling back into a new term again now and looking forward to our next set of holidays.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Crawling madness

Hi all, well it's been a while since our last entry, but Mum has been busy back at work and Dad has been busy ripping out the old kitchen and jibbing the walls. Ollie and I have been on our best behaviour as always, although you have to watch Ollie these days as he heads straight for the door and tries to escape. He has mastered the art of crawling quite well now and today pulled himself up on the side of my bed - it won't be long until we are chasing each other around the house - I can't wait. Only 4 weeks until our northbound adventure - we are looking forward to hanging out with all the cousins, it should be great fun.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Silly Season

Well thank goodness the silly season is over. Check out our new t shirts - gee I wonder who sent those for Xmas? My sax is also very cool, but I haven't seen it around lately, I wonder where it is??? All in all we had a good xmas and new year and are looking forward to seeing some sunshine soon - hopefully. Take care, from the Nicholsons.